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Exploring Options for Open-Source Multimodels in 2024

Exploring Options for Open-Source Multimodels in 2024

The ability of multimodels to understand several data sources like text, audio, and images enables them to understand and generate nuanced, accurate, and contextually aware responses. We explored some of the best open-source multi-models available out there.

Deploying Faster-Whisper on CPU

Deploying Faster-Whisper on CPU

Learn how to deploy a faster whisper server to increase transcriptions speeds by 4x and enabling real-time voice transcription on CPU only hardware.

You Build It You Run It: DevOps on Steroids

You Build It You Run It: DevOps on Steroids

"You build it, you run it" breaks down long-standing barriers, placing deployment, monitoring, and maintenance directly in the hands of developers. Let's see how it stacks up in practice.

How to Deploy Gleam on Codesphere?

How to Deploy Gleam on Codesphere?

Gleam is a newly released functional programming language. Follow this tutorial to build a simple web app with Gleam and deploy it on Codesphere.