HTML to Svelte 4: The Evolution of Web Development Frameworks

A chronological history of web development frameworks and their distinctive features.

January 5, 2024 4 Min Read
HTML to Svelte 4: The Evolution of Web Development Frameworks
HTML to Svelte 4: The Evolution of Web Development Frameworks

Hafsa Jabeen

Technical Marketing Engineer

Web development has changed dramatically from static web pages built with HTML to the highly interactive and adaptable frameworks available today. There have been many attempts to make web frameworks easier to use, better structured, and capable of handling intensive tasks. In this article, we will discuss the chronological history of web frameworks and what they aim to improve. 

Web development has changed dramatically from static web pages built with HTML to the highly interactive and adaptable frameworks available today. There have been many attempts to make web frameworks easier to use, better structured, and capable of handling intensive tasks. In this article, we will discuss the chronological history of web frameworks and what they aim to improve. 

1990-1995: Days of HTML, CSS, & JS

HTML is not a framework but a Markup language used to build and CSS is used for styling. However, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript formed the basic foundation of the web. HTML was first released to structure documents with hyperlinks which was the most trivial form of web pages. Later W3C introduced CSS that allowed developers to build more distinguishable, and visually appealing websites. In 1995, Javascript was released making it possible to add functionality to the websites.  

Later on, many web development frameworks were released to add more dynamic capabilities to web applications. Despite being old, Javascript is still used in 98.7% of the websites as a client-side programming language and all the other frameworks compile into HTML, CSS & Javascript. We at Codesphere believe that in several cases it is smart to use these three to optimize performance and speed.

Suggested Reading: Advantages to Static Web Development

2006: Emergence of jQuery 

In 2006 a Javascript library named jQuery was released that became quite popular. At the time of its release, there were many cross-browser compatibility issues, which made it hard to write consistent code for various browsers. This small but rich in feature library provided and easy to use API that worked equally well across different browsers. It also improved DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX requests. These features made JQuery an essential web development resource. According to W3techs more than 77% of websites still use jQuery.

2010: More Interactivity & Structure with Angular JS 

AngularJS, an open-source project by Google, offered a modular architecture and introduced dependency injection. This promoted a more organized and maintainable code structure. One of the other key advancements in this framework was the introduction of two-way data binding. This feature automated the synchronization between the model and the view. It consequently reduced the need for manual updates and simplification of the codebase. Angular massively improved and impacted the way web applications were built.

2013: Birth of React 

In 2013, React was released by Facebook,and was mainly focused on UI. React introduced the virtual DOM-optimized UI updates by minimizing direct manipulations. This resulted in enhanced performance and smoother user experiences. It also adopted a component-based architecture, promoting reusability and maintainability. Another improvement was the declarative syntax which was another step forward from Angular in making the codebase easier to understand and maintain.

2014: The Progressive Vue.js framework 

In 2014 came Vue.js, a progressive framework, aimed to simplify the process of building dynamic web applications. It offered a flexible and incrementally adoptable architecture. Vue.js introduced a reactive data-binding system, allowing developers to build interactive and responsive user interfaces with ease. The straightforward template syntax of Vue enabled developers to integrate Vue.js into existing projects. The framework's focus on simplicity, reactivity, and flexibility contributed to its popularity.

2016: Angular 2 & Component-based Architecture

Angular 2 was released in 2016 and was a major improvement over Angular JS. One key aspect was the shift to a component-based architecture, which promotes modular and reusable code. This change simplified the development of large-scale applications. Additionally, Angular 2 used Typescript as the default language, which brought static typing, improved tooling, and better scalability.

2017: Web Assembly for Near-native Speed

Wasm launched a low-level bytecode format that allowed high-performance code execution directly in web browsers. It means near-native speeds on the web for a variety of programming languages. Developers could use it to run code written in languages like C, C++, and Rust on the web thus reducing the reliance on JavaScript for computationally intensive tasks. 

2019: Svelte & React Hooks

Svelte is a front-end component framework created by Rich Harris in 2019. It shifted the heavy lifting from runtime to build time. This allowed Svelte to reduce the amount of code that needed to be delivered to the browser. As a result, it became possible to create optimized and minimalistic code. 

On the other hand, React Hooks simplified how developers manage state and logic in React components. It allows you to utilize stateful features in functional components, which eliminates the necessity of using class components. 

2020: Vue3, Solid & HTMX

In 2020, we saw three upgraded frameworks named Vue3, Solid, and HTMX. Vue 3 introduced the Composition API, which encapsulates related code into functions, making components more modular. This improved code organization and reusability. 

On the other hand, Solid JS focused more on reactivity as a core feature. This allowed simplified state management. It also makes an application more responsive by automatic synchronization of the application’s data with user Interface.

HTMX allowed  high-level abstractions for AJAX requests. It streamlined the process of implementing updates in web apps without the need for complex JavaScript code. HTMX also brought overall improvements in web development workflows.

2021: React suspense: Another attempt to make react better

React suspense is a feature introduced to improve data fetching and asynchronous rendering in React applications. It also equips developers better with error handling, enabling efficient resource loading, and simplifying code splitting. These improvements collectively contribute to a more responsive, readable, and maintainable codebase.

2023: Svelte 4 Laying Ground for Bigger Changes

Svelte Runes, the latest one on our list, was released in June 2023, almost four years after its earlier edition. This version enables developers to create smaller and faster code. It also seamlessly integrates with the entire JavaScript ecosystem compared to frameworks using a virtual DOM. It emphasizes simplicity, performance, and a novel approach to building web applications. It is said to be the groundwork for the next Svelte version that will focus more on compiler and runtime.

Wrap-Up: Web Development Frameworks

From static HTML pages to highly interactive and complex apps, web development has gone through consistent and huge development. Especially in the last two decades, we have seen web frameworks that have massively improved code overhead, code reusability, and ease of integration. At this point, there is no doubt that Javascript frameworks will keep evolving.

I hope you found this guide helpful and as fascinating as I did.

About the Author

HTML to Svelte 4: The Evolution of Web Development Frameworks

Hafsa Jabeen

Technical Marketing Engineer

Physics grad turned SEO content writer/marketer, now pursuing computer science.
Converging science, marketing, and tech for innovative experimentation and growth.

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